FMC - Janine Stinger
Janine Stinger a tech specialist for the show Spectral Analysis and manages scientific gadgets meant to record electromagnetic energy. She is the skeptic in the team and does not believe in ghosts or love...or does she?
Tarot - The Hermit
It makes sense that Janine is The Hermit. She's introspective and working through issues spurred by a dark past, trying to make sense of it so she can move forward
MMC - Ian McNally
Ian McNally is a doctor of paranormal physics and is the leader of the Spectral Analysis team. He is the main love interest of the FMC.
Tarot - The Magician
Resourceful, powerful, and utilizing everything in his rhelm, like science, mysticism, and reasoning in his investigations, he is determined to figure out and document spectral energy in a way that makes it undeniable. This definitely makes him the magician.

FMC2 - Kiki Mellow
Kiki Mellow is a spiritual medium and self proclaimed witch. She is the STAR of the Spectral Analysis TV show.
Tarot - The Star
Kiki is all about hope and getting in line with the universe. As the medium of the show, she is in touch with her spirituality and acts as the main vessel in which they detect abient life energy. She works with tea, tarot, verbal charms, and stands out from the other (rational) members of the team. She is the definite Star in book one.
Carlos Fuente
Carlos is a tech specialist for Spectral Analysis and operates many of the gadgets used to measuring paranormal, and electromagnetic, energy. Although, he doesn't quite believe in ghosts, he's open minded and willing to consider anything.
Tarot - The Fool
Fun loving, open minded, a free spirit, Carlos is the jokster in the team. He is a friend to all and has no problem hitting them with humor or wise remarks whenever it suits his fancy, definitely the fool.

AKA-Martha Williams Stinger is the great grandmother of the FMC. She graciously opens her home and heart to the Spectral Analysis team when they bring their investigation to her home town.
Tarot - Temperance
Gram is Temperance. She is crucial for helping the FMC work through her many issues.

Tarot - The Tower
The Tower tarot belongs in part one of the Trilogy because this is where the story leaves stark reality to crumble into the paranormal. By the end of this book, questions still remain; Do ghosts exists? Is there a curse? Who is tangled in darkness, only the FMC or everyone? The Tower card isn't only a conclusion of book one, but forshadows the entire trilogy, as, the image resembles the rock formation found in the fabled glen, the setting of the trilogy conclusion ends.
Castle Ewen is a natural rock formation on the Isle of Skye. It can be found in the Faery Glen.