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With extremely eccentric orbits, comets are often once in a lifetime visitors to the inner solar system. I urged my girls out early in the morning to get a glimpse of this rare gem (Neowise) And we were lucky enough to to get this fine photo through the lens of our telescope. Rumor has it that we are in for a Christmas comet this year. Leonard will be flying toward the Sun and pass by Earth in December on its way to perihelion on Jan 3. Here’s hoping for a spectacular show.

Okay I’m not going to lie. My stomach was not cut out for the F-15...but I was not opposed to hanging out with F-15 pilots during my stay in the luxurious tent city outside Al’s Garage. The load master on my C130 crew begged me to get him on the F-15 flight schedule, and I did, but with a small catch. Those fast flying guys said I had to go first. I was subjected to negative Gs, positive Gs, the boa constricting of the G suit, blood rush up, blood rush down, grunting to breath, passing out and of course, losing my lunch.

With Spectral Analysis close to being published, I thought I’d speak about ghosts…some people believe, some don’t, and many just don’t know. In the story, there’s a character of each in the cast of the TV show. I‘m going to start with Carlos because he is likely like most folks. He doesn’t really think about ghosts. Even though he’s helping the crew look for ghosts, he doesn’t really think they’ll find anything. Carlos is just doing his job. But that doesn’t mean that he is a non believer. Carlos is open to being enlightened…he just isn’t expecting it to happen. What do you believe?

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